
We are service provider for all things related to the storage, movement, and processing of liquid goods. Whether you prefer stationary or mobile solutions, rent only, or a comprehensive service package – we seek to understand your wishes and requirements and develop the best solution for you in a service-oriented manner and without compromises. […]

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Put your trust in our longstanding experience. It is our vital role of your logistics processes to move, store and, if needed, process your goods according to the highest quality and safety standards. As an import terminal that also handles sensitive goods, we know the special requirements of hazardous cargo, or customs. […]

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Added value

Thanks to being a part of a strong community, we are able to handle all logistics processes, from the quay wall, to port handling, transportation, and final offshore location. We create added value for you through complementary skill sets and the pooling of competencies. […]

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Eurotanking News

Euro Tanking erhält SCC**-Zertifikat

Die Euro Tanking GmbH hat von der DEKRA das Zertifikat nach dem Regelwerk der “Sicherheits Certificat Contractoren” erhalten. Damit erfüllt sie die Anforderungen an ein SGU-Managementsystem nach dem SCC**-Standard, der für Unternehmen gilt, die Arbeitsleistungen beim Kunden vor Ort erbringen.

Das SCC-Zertifikat ist ein kombiniertes Arbeits- und Umweltmanagementsystem, welches Belange der (Arbeits-) Sicherheit, sowie des Gesundheits- und Umweltschutzes (SGU) regelt.

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Aus unserem Service Angebot

Offshore Fueling

Company We are service provider for all things related to the storage, movement, and processing of liquid goods. Whether you prefer stationary or mobile solutions, rent only, or a comprehensive service package – we seek to understand your wishes and requirements and develop the best solution for you in a service-oriented manner and without compromises. […]
